Sunday, June 24, 2012

Visual Schedule - toddler :)

We are on our 2nd week of school tomorrow. However the little girl still doesn't want to wear her uniform nor her shoes. And since she needs to get used to her new routine too I decided to push myself and do this visual schedule that for sooo long was in the "to do list'.

Here's her schedule. She loves looking at it. Hopefully tomorrow she'll love following the schedule too. So help us God :)

i blurred one of the pics for obvious reason. :p

Hey little girl!
We are happy that you were pretty good on your first day. You didnt cry a single bit and was happy to enter your room without hesitation. Teacher April said you were very good but you need to practice mingling with your classmates more. They are nice boys (oh yes I know boys na naman), hopefully when they include you sa nursery you'll meet girls naman your age. We are sooo proud and happy for you.
Daddy is working hard to send you to the best school possible. Mommy is doing her best to provide you with the home management and follow ups. Your ate's are trying hard to make you eat and help mommy follow your schedule. And we can see that you are making best effort to be the best you can be. We love you and we'll always be here to support you.
Hugs and lots of kisses, Mommy

1 comment:

Nicole said...

"Here's her schedule. She loves looking at it. Hopefully tomorrow she'll love following the schedule too. So help us God :)"

That was just too cute! Here's hoping your plan worked =)

verse of the day