Thursday, March 25, 2021



This was supposed to be my word for the year. We had our yearly meeting at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Vertis North where we talked and scribbled our plans for the year. More tahi, more clients, more time with family, more time to pray and read the bible etc. 

3 months past and I couldnt feel that MORE is appropriate for us this year, for me it just dont fit. Then just today this word came and somehow I think it suits us just right.


We live in a very uncertain time. COVID cases has reached to 7,999 in a day. There are 6 cases inside the subdivision. You don't know who's infected and who is safe. No one can claim he is safe. NO ONE IS SAFE!

Looking at 2021 yes we still need to do lots of the plans that we wrote down but this uncertainties limits our movement. Because of these, I felt this word fits us better.

To surrender means to cease resistance, to submit to authority. 

To surrender means to let go of your inhibitions and to open your heart.

To surrender means to acknowledge him in all our plans.

To surrender doesnt mean to live life meaninglessly or aimlessly. 

To surrender means giving it your all - trusting the one who gave you life that all these will work out for good. 

PS I attached a video I made. It has verses on it. Yes it is pretty fast. I made it that way so you wont choose. You just let chances to choose one for you. Get ready to SCREENSHOT, hopefully the one you landed on may mean something for you and encourage you. 

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verse of the day