Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Here Comes August - THE HELP movie review

Aint it just Christmas yesterday? A little more days and we'll all be spending for gifts again nyahaha.

SPEND that word has been a major thing to us lately. There were a lot of things to buy for the dreamhouse project, it is on it's last stage and boy our saving account seems like it is being devoured by a gargantuan creature. No regrets though, we are all excited about it. First time Thea visited the place there was no paint yet and the little girl didnt want to go inside. But now that the primers are painted the princess happily glides from one room to another, what more if the make-up is done. Joy! Where hoping all work is done by the end of August.

Did I say end of August? Does it ring a bell? I dont know about you but it sure does to me? Why? Well, I was born AUgust 31st!!! WOuldnt it be nice to bake my birthday cake on my own fabulous (oh please just let me dream ayt) kitchen?

I started the month with a book called

I have a thing for books with "NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE" phrase. This one even has a
"If you read only one book... let this be it."

Those words made me stop and want that book then I opened my wallet to get P315 pesos. Now that's cheap compared to book prices at Brunei bookstores.

I once bought a book because I saw that Julia Robert will play the role, I am a huge fan of hers. So I grabbed the book when I saw it at the shelf and took it home. I didnt finish it. Now I know better, the "NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE" clause is not really true if Britney Spears likes it hehe, joke lang peace tayo Brit ha.

But this "THe Help" book is different. The story is nice, educational and that gorgeous Kathryn Stockett writes well. The movie will come out on August and that's this month! Well it is another movie I cant wait to see, next is Twilight's last series.

The Help official website I only googled the book after I finish reading it so I wont read any spoiler. And glad I did because the book is good from start to finish.

Now should I ask Kathryn for publicity fees?

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